ABOUT US



Imagine you’re sitting in your mother’s oncologist’s conference room, when he states,” That the best we can hope for is that your mother will be here another five years if she takes chemotherapy treatments, radiation treatments and a stem cell surgery that, in and of itself, would almost kill her.” However, this is the exact words that we heard as the family listened to the death sentence that our mother’s oncologist declared that memorable, life-changing day. Subsequently, our family visited a church for the first time at a watch night service and a pastor came up to our mother and told her that she had her healing. No one outside of our immediate family knew that she had been diagnosed with an “incurable” cancer. Not only did God provide our mother and family with healing from this “incurable” cancerous disease but God gave us the wisdom and platform to educate and equip people with the same knowledge and opportunity to overcome harmful health ailments. It is through the healing of God, His Word and His foods while avoiding the wrong foods which reversed the destruction of cancer’s assault, as well as, many other harmful health conditions. As result of what we experienced and glean from this testimony, it provided us with newly acquired knowledge while setting up the framework to incorporate it into a new innovative direction within the health and wellness departments of our corporation.


Therefore, it gives us great pleasure to write to you. We value having this opportunity to promote the importance of taking charge of our own health through Biblical, all-natural health means. Optimal health & wellness is not only essential to our family, but it has become our way of life and the primary purpose for our corporation. We have immensely benefited from truly healthy foods and vitamin supplements, and it’s so overwhelmingly gratifying when your Biblical health advice and Bible-based products enrich the quality of life for another human being. As a result of enhancing the lives of our customers through dietary modifications and vitamin implementation, we are endeavoring to expand wellness benefits to our customers through the development of a wellness clothing and accessories brand purposed to improve our customers’ lives as well as those who are in their environment. Our goal is to be an asset of well-being (3 John 1:2) to everyone from babies to seniors throughout their daily lives, such as, but not limited to: women, men, kids, babies, students, moms, professionals, athletes, military personnel & family, the health conscious, married couples and many more…

The health information, health resources, and health products offered through our corporation are provided as a service to the public. They are not intended to make, express, imply health or disease claims, as the aforementioned promote. The health information, health resources, and health products are intended solely for general education, informational purposes and nutritional support, in an effort to be an extension of doctors’ health endorsements which are intended to provide people with opportunities for improving their health and wellness.


The information herein is not intended to replace the medical advice of your physician. You are advised to consult with your physician with regards to matters relating to your health, and in particular, regarding matters that may require diagnosis or medical attention. DO NOT stop taking medications without first consulting with your physician. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.


God bless all of you to a Christ-directed optimal quality of life,


Customized For Christ (CFC)